
Useful Api

Welcome to ShriGo Useful API. ShriGo provides useful apis to make it easy for you and your developments. These api are very useful in Nepal and not publicly available. Please use as base url.


1. Province

  • Description: Get all the provinces of Nepal

  • Method: GET

  • Url: /address/provinces

2. District

  • Description: Get all the districts by province

  • Method: GET

  • Url: /address/districts/{province}

3. Municipality

  • Description: Get all the municipalities by province and district

  • Method: GET

  • Url: /address/municipalities/{province}/{district}

NOTE: Some data might be wrong or missing, if you find such things on api response please inform us to update so that all can use accurate data through ShriGo useful apis. Contact us at email: or phone/whatsApp: 9803703052.